Tuesday, November 22, 2005

In today's generation, people have less time to move around and inquire, get info, since physical presence and distance does matters in busy day's schedule.
So one has to set up a storefront online by designing a website, which is interactive and answers basic questions a visitor might ask.

Let's take an example that you are selling apparels for both men's and women's.
- Create a website, showcasing all possible designs and categories your product might have.
- A list of FAQs you came across in your way of doing traditional business related to your products or services.
- A site map navigating to each and every detail of the web site.
- A secure link to get initial advance payment at the time of booking of an order.
- List out your product policy clear for the user to have transparency and build confidence in him.
- Use small images in form of the thumbnails to have a preview of the actual product, this creates curiosity to know more of the product you are trying to sell.
- labeling should be simple and strong to grab attention of the visitors.
- Limit us of dynamic html by avoiding JavaScript and flash based things.


At Wednesday, December 21, 2005, Blogger Manish Kumar Pandey said...

Hi Harjit!

This is Manish! I asked you a question??? Remember

where r u from? i am from india and would like to work with you... in the field of SEO and SEM... i have a new website at http://www.internet-home-based-business-opportunity.info have done quite a bit and hoping to get a good ranking and traffic to that site!!!

So what do you say?


At Wednesday, December 21, 2005, Blogger Harjit said...

Hello Manish,

yes I recollect our conversation on highrankings forums.
what is the idea behind the website you mentioned to me?
what are you trying to achieve out the website, it seems to be full of links which contains information across variety of subject under the term "home based business"
when did you added this pages and how old is this website?

I am trying to get an inside view and the purpose of the website, so accordingly we can work together for a mutual benefits.


At Monday, December 26, 2005, Blogger Harjit said...

Hey Manish, I believe you had called my office? drop in your contact details. thanks HarRy


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