Gurbani CD
UNITED SIKHS assisted in the production of a special compact disc set of Gurbani ucharan and English interpretation to commemorate 400 years since the revelation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The CD, based on interpretation by Rajinder Singh (Hayes, UK), features Jap Ji Sahib through seven tracks of recitation and interpretation, in addition to Rehiraas Sahib, in four tracks, and Sohila in one track. These tracks are now available for download below. Please forward the URL of our website to all of your relations so that they may be inspired by the message of the Guru.
About Daily Prayers
A Sikh's basic daily prayers are called Nitnem, including Jap Ji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Tav Prasad Swaiye, Benti Chaupai and Anand Sahib recited in the morning, Rehiraas in the evening, and Sohila before going to bed at night.
CD 1 contains morning prayer (Jap Ji Sahib: tracks 1–7). CD 2 contains evening prayer (Rehiraas Sahib: tracks 1–4) and bedtime prayer (Sohila: track 5).